11 mentiras de los negocios: Aún no eres quien vas a llegar a ser / 11 Lies of Business Schools

11 mentiras de los negocios: Aún no eres quien vas a llegar a ser / 11 Lies of Business Schools

PPKn plisss bantu : )
1.Jawaban asal❌ (Report+points hilang)
2.Jawaban benar✅ (Brainliest Answer)​​​

plisss bantu : )
1.Jawaban asal❌ (Report+points hilang)
2.Jawaban benar✅ (Brainliest Answer)​​​
  1. Mr. Clark asked me to do the school assignment.
  2. Sita and I do the group project together, I do the research, and she does the writing.
  3. My parents do the housework together.
  4. My cat does its funny habit, it catches her tail.
  5. My brother cooks for dinner, and I do the dishes to help him.
  6. We do not want to buy the snack.
  7. Dad does not know that I am home.
  8. I want to go to the Italian restaurant, but she does not want to go there.
  9. William does like spaghetti, but I do not like it.
  10. The boss do not want to raise the salary.
  11. Do you know that Michael was here yesterday?
  12. I do not want that, does she want that?
  13. Does Mr. Harold like the cake?
  14. Hello Mr. Fitzgerald, do you have appointment?
  15. Lukas, does Emma like coffee?


Do or does adalah kata kerja bantu yang pada umumnya digunakan dalam simple present tense dengan artian "apakah".

Kata kerja DO:

  • Terletak di awal kalimat jika digunakan pada kalimat tanya
  • Subjek yang diikuti oleh kata kerja bantu DO adalah I, you, we dan they

Kata kerja DOES:

  • Terletak di awal kalimat jika digunakan pada kalimat tanya
  • Subjek yang diikuti oleh kata kerja bantu DOES adalah he, she dan it

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang do or does pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3681604

